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to the new girl

to the transfer student to the one that has to feel like they need to measure up to the one who may feel like she needs to conform to crowds to "gain friends" (that entire statement is flawed!) to the girl that feels like her effort for community is hopeless to the new girl in general. This was me last year. Last august, I moved to Lynchburg, Virginia as a transfer junior to Liberty University. At the end of summer, I was so ready and excited to get out of Georgia and "start fresh," as they say. In my mind, I kind of anticipated everything magically falling into place. Instant friends, instant fun, instant home. Literally it was the first day in VA, and I was a hot mess. I cried so much haha. I didn't really prepare for or even expect the hard things and sentences at the top of this post, that I experienced. It caught me off guard and I had to WORK through it during the school-year. The fact of the matter is that moving can be HARD! I found that

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