trujillo round 2!

Hello all!!
Finally getting around to an update of what our day-to-day routine looked like.
This post is way more delayed than intended haha. But life happens, and better late than never (:


Each day that we had was packed full to the brim, waking up at about 7:30am each day, and going to bed around midnight. Ministry hours ran pretty consistently from 9am-6pm everyday. We would typically divide parts of the day for specific ministries, working with up to 3 of the 4 ministries in one day!
Christmas party at Elim (Garbage Dump Ministry)

All of the ministries had planned special parties for their kids, to celebrate Christmas, as well as to celebrate summer vacation for the kids, as they had just gotten out of school the week that we came. 

As interns, our role at each ministry varied depending on the event. For the Christmas parties, we prepared songs for live worship, organized 2-3 interactive games, gave a message on the reason behind Christmas, and prepped a craft for the kids to do that tied in with the message. We ran this program at all 4 ministries: Elim (Garbage dump ministry), Amijai (Mothers’/Children’s ministry), Inca Thakhi (Sports Ministry), and Mana (After-school daycare program ministry).

Christmas bonfire with Inca Thakhi kids
The best part by far was being able to reunite with the ministries, specifically with the kids! Getting to see how much they had grown in the last 8 months (physically, spiritually,  in maturity, even in music woo!) was so special. I loved getting to jump back into life with them: playing soccer together, working on music skills, and just hanging out.

Other areas of help that we contributed in:
We updated all of the sponsor photos for the kids at Mana (as their old photos were around 4 years old and very outdated of the kids), as well as revamped Mana’s social media presence on Facebook. We created a new page for them on Facebook (Take 30 seconds and click “like” for their page, HERE!), where we began updating more recent photos of their ministry events, as well as photos to sell their hand-crafted items online. 

On top of the social media for Mana, we also spent some time working with some of the teenagers in helping lead worship (which was an awesome opportunity to see how much they had grown in their musical abilities since I had left !), and helping reorganize a floor in Inca Thakhi’s facility.

Throughout all of our schedule, we had such rich relationship time to go deeper with our friends, leaders, and kids at all of the ministries. My heart felt so full to be able to continue making memories with the people there, from singing and dancing with the kids, to sandboarding with our friends from Inca Thakhi, to helping run the Christmas parties with each of the ministry directors.
Dinner time with Inca Thakhi friends!

Mornings with these girls was such a blessing!! We had group devos each morning, working through some advent readings, and praying specifically over each coming day. All 3 of us saw the power of prayer maximized throughout the week -- whenever an issue of some sort would arise, or when we would pray over areas of opportunity, God showed up. Without fail. I made a list of over 10 things that we specifically prayed for, which we saw God move in. Those things ranged from taking away feelings of sickness, prayer for energy with the kids after travels, prayer for opportunity for conversation with our friends there who aren't believers, prayer for personal growth/healing, etc.

 Chino and his sick skating moves!! Chino is a leader at Inca Thakhi, and works with several youth on skateboarding every week. This sport outlet is a way that that the ministry incorporates discipleship with the kids who come each week.

My favorite part of the day = singing & dancing time at Mana!!!!! Miss this!!!!

This trip was so different than my last time in Peru but also so similar... coming back felt SO right. We all picked up right where we left off, and in some ways it felt like we were never gone. The everyday life there & even muscle memory of routine on the compound came back instantly.
It was special to be able to jump right back into relationships, programs, and have conversations with people that we didn't have the opportunities to have before. 

God showed me how He desires his children to seek him in every little thing, and the power that prayer has. He is faithful to work out even the smallest of details!

I am so grateful for the gift it was to go back to Peru. I'm not sure the next time I will be able to return, but I remain thankful for the time that I had --- It is evident that the Lord IS MOVING in Inca Link Peru, and I consider it such a blessing + privilege to engage in what they're doing!

Thank you again, to each and every one of your support through prayer and finances. This trip was the most tangible time I have ever been able to feel the power of others praying over me. I felt such peace during the most difficult parts of the trip, and I know that was from all of you prayer warriors who interceded on my behalf. And then of course, this could not have been possible without the financial contributions that went towards flights, stay, and ministry costs! My heart swells at the generosity of you sweet supporters.
Thank you for everything!

-Allison Clark


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