44 days!!

only 44 days until we touch down on Peruvian soil once again !!!!

That's surreal to say. It feels like both decades, and only a couple of weeks since I left Peru, and I am ecstatic to return!

Wanted to give a couple of exciting updates, as our departure time gets closer:

ministries !!

Here are some descriptions of each ministry (because it's hard to remember all of them haha) & some of the main things we'll be doing with each ministry.

Inca Thakhi: Inca Thakhi is a sports outreach ministry! This group runs daily activities nearly every weekday with sports from soccer, skateboarding, sand-boarding, floor hockey, ropes courses, as well as workshops like music, crafts, gardening, English lessons, with bible lessons & discipleship incorporated into all activities. We will be spending some mornings & afternoons interacting with these kids through sports and children's programs, as well as helping with a special Christmas party (yay!) that the ministry is throwing for the children while we are there.

Inca Thakhi kiddos!
Elim: This is the garbage dump ministry, which has two sites in Trujillo, working with families in the dump. They facilitate daily bible lesson programs, homework tutoring, sports, hands-on workshops, and discipleship/leadership classes for the older teenagers.

Playing soccer with Elim kids

Mana: Mana is an after-school program which provides everyday lunch, tutoring, bible lessons, youth group gatherings, and workshops including music, sports, baking, shoe-making, and dancing.

Mana kids & teens on our last day of ministry this past May

Amijai: This ministry works a few times per week, primarily with women/mothers, teaching them skills such as fine sewing, crocheting, jewelry-making, cooking, etc. so that the women can make sell items. There are also bible studies during the week. During the women's workshops, the children engage in kids' programs and the youth groups.

Outreach with Amijai kids in a nearby village
>> We've started nailing down a tentative schedule for our week // we will be dividing our time fairly evenly amongst all 4 ministries, with a couple of special events, such as the Christmas party with Inca Thakhi.

>> We've also begun gathering different supplies here from the states to take down to the ministries in Peru, such as school supplies, games, musical instruments for the music workshops, and skateboards for the skating ministry. If you are interested in partnering with us and donating items, please contact me!

Also, big praise: Chloe (one of the girls coming to serve in Peru) is fully funded as of this week!!!!! amazing!!!! Esther is still fundraising, and almost there!

At this point, we are nearly in homestretch, but still have a decent big of logistics to complete, mostly regarding planning a thorough children's program (consisting of a craft and bible lesson), and collecting final donations to take down to the ministries ; lot's of planning & logistics at this point.

With that being said, prayer for Chloe, Esther, myself, and the ministries would be much appreciated!

Please pray for:
- Smoothness in collecting donations & that the items brought would be a genuine blessing & assistance to the ministries.
- That Esther would be fully funded soon!
- Wisdom in how to best serve and reach the children/youth, as we prepare children's programs
- Strength and diligence // that we would be able to effectively carry all of these things out while juggling college at the same time, for all 3 of us girls!

Thank you so much to all who has so graciously & eagerly given towards this trip + Inca Link. We are so excited & hopeful to see what the Lord has in store for this December!

I will be posting another update as our time of departure comes closer!

-Allison Clark


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