created for something more.

I've always been drawn to the idea of doing missions. It's crossed my mind multiple times, since I was in middle school. "Maybe someday" I'd always think to myself. But I seemed to always brush off the idea as "so unrealistic," or have the thought of "I doubt I'm called to do something that big."

By the time I had entered high school, however, I'd began to make my own grand plans. I was so set on the glamorous idea of moving away my first year to college, living independently, and wasting no time in getting my show on the road.
However, by the time senior year rolled around, missions was popping back in and out of my head. [Through MUCH humbling from the Lord :)] My hot-headed self began to cool off, and surrender to the callings of the Lord. It became clear to me that I was not in fact supposed to move away, but instead stayed local for my first year of college, commuting to school and working at Chick-Fil-A. 
The once oh-so-appealing idea of moving far away to school, beginning to work towards a degree, then start a job, and ultimately blend in with the average 21st century lifestyle seemed to come off as so... ordinary. So average. All I could think was "there must be something more than this." 

Now please don't misunderstand me. I am still driven to pursue these things eventually, and do still desire to attend a traditional University. Some people are without a doubt called to student life, and God is using them in incredible ways to impact his kingdom in that way. However, the Lord has laid heavily on my heart a different way to take advantage of my young and single years; (a critical, shaping season of life of which I think most people underestimate the value, and fail to truly utilize to their advantage.)

In the last year, I have learned of the beautiful adventures that the Lord calls us to as His children. Something I've learned so much lately is that the things God has called to are so much more extraordinary and massive than the small-minded things we could ever imagine or think for ourselves. Throughout the past year of learning and praying through these things, He has awakened me to a call to flaunt the trends of complacency, "fitting in," and going along with "the status quo." And He has done so by drawing my BACK to my middle-school "fantasy idea" of missions, instilling this desire in my heart once more.

Learning to say yes to these things was a process in and of itself. Distinguishing whether or not these things were personal desires or true callings from the Lord took much prayer and discernment. However, through multiple situations and scenarios (things I will share in future posts!), God made it evident to me that this is the path I am supposed to take... & that I am to embrace this calling with wide arms, rather than a fearful, overwhelmed heart (another thing I am in the process of learning right now... the learning never stops! :))
Yes, I'm feeling inadequate and unprepared; unsure of what exactly to expect. 
BUT : I'm also feeling so confident in knowing that I have a sovereign, heavenly Father who is guiding me every step of the way on this journey :: and that I get to go tell people in South America of this glorious reality -- a relationship with a loving savior named Jesus!!!!!! Wow. My cup overflows. 
More to come. Thankful for you all.

"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!" -- Psalm 96:3


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  2. What an encouraging post! Allison, we are excited to hear how God is continuing to give you the desires (in) and OF your heart as you "delight yourself" in Him (Psalm 37:4)! HalleluYAH! Blessings and shalom. Lee & Lucie


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